Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween essay


I love Halloween! I think that this is the best holiday of the entire year. Why? Because you are able to be creative and design your own costume, you also get go to your neighbors house's and ask for candy. But my most favorite thing about Halloween is the thought of making jack'o'lanters.  Plus it's way better than lovey, dovey Valentine's day or Thanksgiving when everyone sits around and acts like pigs!

Costumes are, I think the best part about Halloween. When it's almost Halloween I love walking through the costume isle at Wal-mart admiring all of the costumes. Some of the best costumes I have seen there are, a banana, a whoopee cushion and stick figure that glows! I also really enjoy going to costume parties near Halloween because seeing a mix of funny and scary, sometimes even adorable costumes just really gets me in the mood for some candy and pumpkins.

Making jack'o'lanters is a huge tradition in my family (and pretty much every other family in America). It's really cool because we all go over to my grandparents house with our pumpkins and carve them. It's awesome to see all of the different faces that me and my cousins created. The best part about carving pumpkins at my grandparent's house is that my grandpa makes the best pumpkin pie ever! My grandma also roasts the seeds to perfection! Delicious.

Trick or Treating, the best time in a child's life is what I think about the topic. Running from house to house with that dash of adrenaline, being handed fist full's of candy is purely wonderful. Especially when you trick or treat in a rich subdivision, that's where the loot is, full size candy bars and everything! But honestly I think the best part is the fact that you can only do this in one night, and one night only. Why? Well because it would be weird, I mean knocking on your neighbor's door and saying " trick or treat" to them in a crazy costume. Awkward.

So I don't know about you but I think I would be pretty convinced about LOVING Halloween as much as I do after reading this, but that's up to you. Re stating my message, I think Halloween is the best holiday ever! Just one more thing, I will be trick or treating until I'm 15! Just kidding (maybe)


  1. Kati,despite the many grammatical and punctual errors, I could tell that this is a topic you enjoy writing about because just reading this I can sense your excitement. You might want to double check after you are done writing, though.

  2. I think that this was a good persuasive piece. You did a good job explaining why you like Halloween. One thing that you could improve would be your spelling.... Other then that it was good!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This was a piece that you obviously enjoyed writing about, and it was very descriptive of why you like it so much. Although there were a few errors, you did a nice job.

  5. Great piece a couple of errors but you made it very clear that Halloween is your favorite time of year. Also I liked how you included your family's traditions.

