Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Paris France

As I walk through the streets of Paris the aroma of fresh baked bread fills the air, There is an old lady sitting by the park making lace. The pigeons crown around her begging for bread crumbs. I look to my left and see the wonderful Eiffel Tower, our homes main attraction. The city of lights has been my home for the past 3 years, ever since my mother was transferred here to teach at a culinary arts school in the middle of Paris and our aunt had traveled with us to France, something about being a life long dream of hers. Our father works in the government, our aunt had traveled with us to France, something about being a life long dream of hers now she works as a historian. I, being the age of 19, attend an architecture school, learning the history of architecture and famous buildings in France. We each have a story about the beautiful city of Paris, and now we are going to tell them.

My mother, being a culinary artist knows everything there is to know about the history and evolution of the food in Paris. The first recorded food history started in the middle ages. Back then they used a type of serving called "service en confusion" this is where all of the food was placed on the table at the same time, resulting in an all out brawl for food. The name most likely from the fact that it was very confusing for the diners and waitresses. This is a technique used in America as well. The Middle ages culinary ways resemble the ways of American eating more than you may think. Did you know that in France they jarred many meats, fruits and vegetables in the spring so that the people could enjoy their favorite foods in the winter? If you went to a restaurant in the present time, you would see that the waiters bring small courses, at very expensive prices.

Being part of the historian community is a special opportunity for my aunt. She gets to learn all about the history of Paris, and share her discoveries with people who probably already know it. She was telling me that the founding fathers as you might call them were a group of Celtic fishermen called the Parisii tribe. They settled on the natural island of L'Ile de la Cité on the river which is now known as the Seine river in the third century. The Parisii's named the territory Lutetia. This is how Paris began, leading to the attack of the roman empire being lead by Julius Caesar takes over a domain in Paris called Gaul. After this happened, Christianity hit the city of Lutetia and the first churches were starting to be built, this occurred around 250 A.D. Finally in during the 4th through 9th centuries Gaul was invaded by the Frankish and the Normans. After the defeat, the city was finally renamed Paris.

After the invasion of the Frankish and the Norman's and the city of Lutetia was renamed Paris that is when the architectural fad began. This is my expertise, the first landmark built was the Notre Dame Cathedral. This was a master piece of early gothic architecture, taking almost two centuries to complete starting in 1163. After various plaques and famines France was ruled by Francis the first, a true lover of the arts. He was so fond of art he had invited Leonardo DaVincci to come to Paris along with other Italian architects to come and renovate the Louvre. Paris thrived with new buildings and sculptures that when Francis died the city erupted with chaos.

Like most countries in Europe, France started out in a Monarchy government. The first king of France was Clovis the first, and he wasn't the king of France necessarily, he was the king of the Franks who invaded Lutetia. The last king of France was Napoleon the third, he was also the first President of France. Now the government has evolved into a Republic government. Unlike our president the first president of France was not elected he, like the other monarchies before him had been born into the job. Now the President is elected by voting of the citizens.

Again, living in Paris France is a blessing, with the rich historical background . Every morning waking up having fresh cheese and bread made in my home town is better than you could ever imagine. The fact that the French are so deep in culture and sticking to their roots yet being modern and practical at the same time makes me truly glad that we moved to Paris. Learning about the history of a country and how it came to be, discovering the kings and rulers of France and especially tasting the exquisite food, have all been breathtaking adventures. The wonderful memories that I have created over the last few years, amaze me and I am excited to make new ones. Paris, France never fails to amaze me.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the way that you took the raw facts, and learning and couched it into a creative fiction piece. It read as an enjoyable experience, and clearly showed your level of learning here.
